Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cholesterol Questions

Assignment: Use a laptop and answer 1 piece from each level about cholesterol basics.

Level 1
1) What is cholesterol? what is a lipoprotein?
1) Why do humans need cholesterol? What happens in an excess of cholesterol?

Level 2
2) How are HDL and LDL different? Why does cholesterol need carrier molecules such as HDL and LDL?
2) Where is cholesterol synthesized? Which type of cholesterol do you need your diet and why? 

Level 3
3) Draw the chemical structure of one cholesterol molecule (here)  Label its parts. Then decide: why are LDLs and HDLs known as "LIPOPROTEINS?"

3) Is the formation of a hormone from cholesterol the result of one chemical reaction, or an entire biochemical pathway? Choose one of the hormones from this page. State the name of the hormone  and describe the chain of reactions that lead to its synthesis.