Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nuclear Chemistry: The model of the atom

Introduction: read this first and watch the video
Up until now, we have spent a great deal of time learning about electrons,  which orbit the nucleus of the atom.  The things we have learned about electrons are known as the chemical properties of the elements, because the electrons determine the bonding behavior and thus the chemical reactivity of atoms. The atomic nucleus is also key in determining the behavior and properties of the elements.
Introductory Video and page:

Assignment: Learn about the nucleus and complete one of the following 3 assignments about one of the two research questions below:

a) Create a comic strip representing the discovery and the experiments behind it; must include captions that explain the drawings. Must use 3 key vocabulary words.
b) create a full page drawing that represents the experiment/discovery. Must include a caption that uses key vocab.
c) Take Cornel Notes the question below using what you've read, watched or researched.  include 5 vocabulary words and their definitions

1) How did Rutherford determine that an atom had a nucleus? (23/23 pts)

2) How did scientists discover protons? (more challenging, worth (30pts/30)