Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Human Reproduction Assignment

Take out your class notes.  
Title the page “Human reproduction, development, and cell differentiation” 

Number from 1-9 and Skip about ¼ of the page for each number.

Assignment: Human Reproduction Questions 1-9

1) Everyone complete Do Now Questions 1+2)

2) Split into groups, and only complete the reading and questions for your section:
Group 1 (vincent/marten/jeremy/david) complete part 3
Group 2: (xavier/antonio/elijah) complete part 4a, b,
Group 3: (avery/imani/sophia/marc) complete part 4 c-e
Group 4: (lissa/rosie/luisa/louise) complete parts 5
Group 5: (rashaun/nate/edison/kieran) complete part 6+9
Group 6: (steven/marj/michael) complete part 7+8

Use the following additional links to supplement your reading and help you answer the questions:

Sex Hormones:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Central Dogma Assignment

Central Dogma Web Comic Assignment:
Task: WITH a PARTNER (2 people MAX), 
create a 6 box comic strip, with drawings AND captions for each box, showing the steps of central dogma. Also, include key vocabulary and discuss the connection of central dogma to phenotype and/or the influence of the environment on the gene (epigenetics).

Worth 25 classwork points
15- did you show understanding of the process and get into detail with what happens
(you have at least 6 unique steps) (2 pts per unique step). includes connection to phenotype AND/OR epigenetics.
5- includes key vocabulary and scientific language
5- artistic/creativity/neatness