Monday, May 19, 2014

organic compounds ppt
open it and complete the guided notes. Get model kits as instructed.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Battery Lab: Enrichment Research Questions

1) What is static electricity? What Causes it to buildup? How can it be discharged?
2) What is corrosion of a battery? Why does it happen?
3) How do rechargeable batteries work? Why do they tell you not to "overcharge" your batteries?
4) Why do you need a salt bridge?
5) How is the flow of electrons generated by a power plant? Describe the process of power plant electrical generation.
6) How do you make a fruit battery?
Come up with your own!
Research the answer on the Web, create a ppt. slide or typed answer to your question, and get an enrichment center HW credit (15/15 HW grade).

Thursday, May 1, 2014

How do batteries work, Part 2

Read the beginning of section 6.4, pages 224-226 (ending at Dry Cells) (1st link),
and watch the series of animations on the energizer website (2nd link)
Take cornel notes on your reading and animation. You can decide on the headings. You will have a short reading quiz at the beginning of class. You may use your cornel notes on the quiz.