Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Human Reproduction Assignment

Take out your class notes.  
Title the page “Human reproduction, development, and cell differentiation” 

Number from 1-9 and Skip about ¼ of the page for each number.

Assignment: Human Reproduction Questions 1-9

1) Everyone complete Do Now Questions 1+2)

2) Split into groups, and only complete the reading and questions for your section:
Group 1 (vincent/marten/jeremy/david) complete part 3
Group 2: (xavier/antonio/elijah) complete part 4a, b,
Group 3: (avery/imani/sophia/marc) complete part 4 c-e
Group 4: (lissa/rosie/luisa/louise) complete parts 5
Group 5: (rashaun/nate/edison/kieran) complete part 6+9
Group 6: (steven/marj/michael) complete part 7+8

Use the following additional links to supplement your reading and help you answer the questions:

Sex Hormones:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Central Dogma Assignment

Central Dogma Web Comic Assignment:
Task: WITH a PARTNER (2 people MAX), 
create a 6 box comic strip, with drawings AND captions for each box, showing the steps of central dogma. Also, include key vocabulary and discuss the connection of central dogma to phenotype and/or the influence of the environment on the gene (epigenetics).

Worth 25 classwork points
15- did you show understanding of the process and get into detail with what happens
(you have at least 6 unique steps) (2 pts per unique step). includes connection to phenotype AND/OR epigenetics.
5- includes key vocabulary and scientific language
5- artistic/creativity/neatness

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Use the websites linked here to answer the following questions:

  1. What is a niche?
  2. If two organisms occupy the same niche, what happens?
  3. Explain the concept of competition
  4.  What factors do organisms compete over?
  5. Why do resources become scarce in an ecosystem?
  6. Will competition occur if resources are in excess?
  7.  Thinking about the concept of dynamic equilibrium, what is the end result of resource scarcity and competition?
  8.  How do adaptive traits evolve from competition?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Global Warming and Human Impacts

1) With your partner, discuss all the possible ways that humans can impact the environment around them, in both positive and negative ways.  List them in your notes under a new page titled "HUMAN IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT."

2) Go to the following website: http://www.slideshare.net/sacklax40/human-impact-on-the-environment-presentation.  Click through the slide show and choose one of the Human Impacts from this list:(except for global warming)

a)What effects does this human impact have on the environment: abiotic and biotic?
b) What is the root cause of this impact?

3) Biological Magnification: Explain how pesticides accumulate from producers through the top predator in a food web. http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning/player/lesson13/l13la1.html

4) Global Warming: Look at the image below,
Then state: "Why is global warming happening?"

5) Dynamic Equilibrium in Ecosystems:
Read through the presentation,and create a T-Chart comparing Positive and Negative Feedback. Be sure to include examples.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Factors That affect the Behavior of Gases

1. Materials needed: Your class notes, your lab packet, a laptop, and drawing utensils.

1. Do now: In your notes, draw a picture, WITH A TITLE ABOVE IT, that shows gas molecules applying pressure to the walls of a container (use arrows to indicate movement of gas particles).  

1b. Go to the following website: http://www.chem.ufl.edu/~itl/2045/MH_sims/gas_sim_try1.htmlWhat factors could you change to increase the amount of pressure on the walls of the container? Caption your drawing with the answer to this question.

2. Go to: http://www.shodor.org/unchem/advanced/gas/
Title next section : 2. Why Gases are Unique? Provide three reasons below:

3. Title this section: 
3. Factors that affect the behavior of Gases:

Write the letters below, each in a different color. Define each quantitative descriptive variable of gases. Then write down ALL of the possible  units that each variable can measured in. Use your reference table.

4. Title this section:

4.Avogradro's Hypothesis
in this section, write the standard molar volume of All Ideal Gases. Then explain what this number means.

5 Go to: http://www.shodor.org/unchem/advanced/gas/
Title: 5. Ideal vs. Real Gases
Answer the following questions in order, underneath the above title.
1.Write equation for IDEAL GASES, and explain its purpose.

then, go to: http://preparatorychemistry.com/Bishop_Real_Gases.htm

2. What happens to gas molecules that get close together at very high temperatures? decreasing T?
3. describe the properties of an ideal gas
4. Under what conditions is the ideal gas law NOT applicable? Why do you think at these conditions, do gases behave differently?
5.Draw 2 pictures: A) use arrows to indicate the movement of molecules in an ideal gas.  B)use arrows to indicate how real gases are different.

6. title: 6. Collision Theory:
Which type of gas, real or ideal, do you think involves significant collisions between gas particles? How do you know? 

7. title: 7. STP
1. Do a web search for STP gases. Then describe what the S.T.P. each stand for
2. What are the values of T and P at STP?
3. What is the standard volume of ANY diatomic (O2, N2, CL2 etc...) gas at STP?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nuclear Chemistry: The model of the atom

Introduction: read this first and watch the video
Up until now, we have spent a great deal of time learning about electrons,  which orbit the nucleus of the atom.  The things we have learned about electrons are known as the chemical properties of the elements, because the electrons determine the bonding behavior and thus the chemical reactivity of atoms. The atomic nucleus is also key in determining the behavior and properties of the elements.
Introductory Video and page: http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/nucleus-atom-discovered

Assignment: Learn about the nucleus and complete one of the following 3 assignments about one of the two research questions below:

a) Create a comic strip representing the discovery and the experiments behind it; must include captions that explain the drawings. Must use 3 key vocabulary words.
b) create a full page drawing that represents the experiment/discovery. Must include a caption that uses key vocab.
c) Take Cornel Notes the question below using what you've read, watched or researched.  include 5 vocabulary words and their definitions

1) How did Rutherford determine that an atom had a nucleus? (23/23 pts)

2) How did scientists discover protons? (more challenging, worth (30pts/30)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cholesterol Questions

Assignment: Use a laptop and answer 1 piece from each level about cholesterol basics.

Level 1
1) What is cholesterol? what is a lipoprotein?
1) Why do humans need cholesterol? What happens in an excess of cholesterol?

Level 2
2) How are HDL and LDL different? Why does cholesterol need carrier molecules such as HDL and LDL?
2) Where is cholesterol synthesized? Which type of cholesterol do you need your diet and why? 

Level 3
3) Draw the chemical structure of one cholesterol molecule (here)  Label its parts. Then decide: why are LDLs and HDLs known as "LIPOPROTEINS?"

3) Is the formation of a hormone from cholesterol the result of one chemical reaction, or an entire biochemical pathway? Choose one of the hormones from this page. State the name of the hormone  and describe the chain of reactions that lead to its synthesis.