Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Global Warming and Human Impacts

1) With your partner, discuss all the possible ways that humans can impact the environment around them, in both positive and negative ways.  List them in your notes under a new page titled "HUMAN IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT."

2) Go to the following website: http://www.slideshare.net/sacklax40/human-impact-on-the-environment-presentation.  Click through the slide show and choose one of the Human Impacts from this list:(except for global warming)

a)What effects does this human impact have on the environment: abiotic and biotic?
b) What is the root cause of this impact?

3) Biological Magnification: Explain how pesticides accumulate from producers through the top predator in a food web. http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning/player/lesson13/l13la1.html

4) Global Warming: Look at the image below,
Then state: "Why is global warming happening?"

5) Dynamic Equilibrium in Ecosystems:
Read through the presentation,and create a T-Chart comparing Positive and Negative Feedback. Be sure to include examples.

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