Thursday, January 2, 2014

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering powerpoint
Genetic Engineering basics Website
Image About Insulin Engineering
Union of Concerned Scientists: discussion of ethics of Genetic engineering
Cloning Process simplified
Cloning Entire Organisms
cloning genes
Ethics in genetic engineering
Stem Cell Basics

1) Key Vocab: Create a Vocabulary Flashcard for each. State the definition and then draw a picture that goes with it.  You do not have to complete this first, you may work on it as we go.
1) Genetic Engineering
2) Restriction Enzymes
3) Cloning
4) Genetically Modified Organism
5) Hybrid Interbreeding
6) Stem cells

2. Describe 2  methods scientists use to take a gene from one organism and insert it into the cells of another organism.

3. Describe an example of how genetic technology has:
a) helped society deal with food issues
b) Helped lead to solutions for diseases

4. Draw a diagram showing how scientists clone sexually reproducing organisms.

5. Why are stem cells considered important to the future of medicine?

6. Choose one type of genetic technology (genetic modification, cloning, stem cells). 
Write an argumentative paragraph explaining whether you think your specific genetic technology  is ethical or unethical.  State your claim, why you think so and then give at least 1 piece of evidence (a quote or a scientific fact) to back up your argument. Explain why the evidence you provided backs up your claim.

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